The National Library of Israel in Jerusalem is now home to the world’s largest collection of 'Kabbalistic Tree' scrolls
By Daniel Ben-David
The tour body says groups must get approval for visits because it lies across the Green Line
And there's (more) great bagel news for Londoners
By Victoria Prever
The houses will be added to existing settlements in Area C of the territory
By JC Reporter
The iconic attraction in Israel's capital has many big historical secrets
Chana Nachenberg was injured in the Sbarro bombing in downtown Jerusalem in 2001
Around 1,200 Jews visited the Temple Mount on Thursday ahead of Jerusalem Day
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In a piece written for Jerusalem Day in 2017, Rabbi Lord Sacks discussed what Israel’s capital meant to him
By Rabbi Lord Sacks
With Operation Shield and Arrow at an end, there are few signs that Iran's proxies are keen to lower tensions
By Seth J. Frantzman
Christian and Muslim holy sites are allegedly being desecrated more frequently by Jewish extremists
Hamas told Palestinians to go to the holy site to defend it 'en masse'
The Israeli capital was listed among other nearby destinations including Giza and Saqqara in Egypt and Aqaba in Jordan
The prime minister, who is traveling to Rome, sees the European country as a destination for gas exports
The formula dates back hundreds of years and reflects monarch's close ties to the Holy Land, Buckingham Palace say
Benjamin Netanyahu has shelved Shas' plans to jail people who wear ‘immodest clothing’ at the Kotel
By Georgia L Gilholy
Some opposition lawmakers were ejected from the committee room after heckling the chairman as thousands of Israelis take to the streets
By Ben Bloch