Israel's Opposition leader fell ill during the Yom Kippur fast
By Georgia L Gilholy
By Anshel Pfeffer
While the PM talked of a two-state solution at the UN, an Israeli raid on Jenin on Tuesday, in which at least four Palestinian militants were killed, was a reminder that Operation Breakwater is still ongoing
By Dominic Green
An Israeli PM visiting is usually big news but Lapid slipped in and out of New York barely noticed by most in the US
The country may look back on 5782 as an comparatively uneventful period
Israeli officials say a change in UK relations was immediately felt when the Queen, due to her age, began to travel abroad much less and the international face of the royal family became Prince Charles
Tidhar's blockbuster work shows us the thieves, the tramps, the prostitutes, the violence, filth and corruption underlying the good behind the Zionist dream
By Jenni Frazer
The current situation where negotiations continue indefinitely while Iran continues to enrich uranium to threshold of what it would need for a nuclear weapon works well for Tehran
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By Yoni Birnbaum
Citizens of the Jewish State remain strong, committed to spiritual and material growth
The Queen met Isaac Herzog's father Chaim in 1993
By JC Reporter
In a landmark essay to conclude his three-part special report, Investigations Editor David Rose asks what awaits the West Bank after Abbas
By David Rose
By Miriam Shaviv
Itamar Ben-Gvir is the heir to the extremist’s dark legacy, and is dangerously close to power
Young, energetic advisers and spokespeople born in Britain are flying high at the very top of the Israeli establishment
By Felix Pope
Abdel Bari Atwan appeared to express sympathy for the Rushdie assailant’s extremism on the BBC News Channel
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
'Resistance' entails mobilising proxy forces such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah
By Seth J. Frantzman
Efraim Halevy says that the country’s policies on conversion to Judaism and immigration pose bigger dangers than Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah
By Jotam Confino
Every former chief of staff is hot political property but Mr Eisenkot's also that rare candidate who can appeal to more right-leaning predominantly Mizrahi voters