Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner also spoke at LFI event
By Lorin Bell-Cross
In 2021 Gaza had more beauty than many Arab countries, Abd Al-Salam Haniyeh also says in interview
By Jane Prinsley
Keren Nechmad's film Kissufim was shot three years ago before the kibbutz became the site of a Hamas massacre
Veteran international editor calls Asserson Report a ‘smear’ in impartiality masterclass for BBC staff
Chris Ryan, who was part of the ‘Bravo Two Zero’ escape in Iraq, says UK army should send advisers to help IDF
In the face of climate change and man-made conflict, Faygle Train of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel explains how the organisation provides a space where all communities unite to reconnect with wildlife
Ian Liles OBE was part of a recent delegation of senior military officials to the Jewish State and Gaza
By Daniel Ben-David
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Hamas keeps captives in cages, former hostage reveals
US Secretary of State also says after London meeting there can be ‘no role for Hamas’ in Gaza
The budget airline had been set to resume flights to Tel Aviv next month
How can we move on from our deep grief and continue to campaign for the freedom of the remaining hostages?
By Nivi Feldman
JPR report finds a sharp divide between left- and right-wing opinion
Some of the demonstrators who brought Israel to a halt on Monday explain why they are protesting
Eyal Azoulai made the claim during an unofficial October 7 probe
By Eliana Jordan
President Herzog joins family of murdered hostage in moving tribute at funeral
The terror group said Wissam Ayman Khazem had ‘ascended to martyrdom’
By Felix Pope