They were reportedly returning from a beach holiday when the crash happened
By JC Reporter
Keren Hajioff rose through the ranks from speaking not a word of Hebrew to an advisor to two prime ministers
By Ben Bloch
Staff Sergeant Benjamin Lee told the JC about his experiences defending Israel online, including during the May 2021 Israel-Hamas war
Israel becomes the 21st nation to participate in the games founded by Prince Harry
By Ben Felsenburg
The scenario portrayed in the Tom Cruise film may become a reality sooner than we think
By Anshel Pfeffer
Naftali Bennett has had to spend a lot of his first year as prime minister in that office, while his coalition has struggled to pass legislation
The move comes after four female recruits took to Israel's Supreme Court to gain the right to enter elite combat units
By Josh Kaplan
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One man reveals how a family tragedy spurred him to abandon Britain, conquer his fears and to do 'his duty' in Israel
By Naomi Firsht
The IDF’s media spokesman is the son of a London taxi driver
By Jenni Frazer