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From Kenton to eye of the storm

The IDF’s media spokesman is the son of a London taxi driver

August 22, 2014 12:23
Face of Israel: Peter Lerner
3 min read

Slightly to his surprise, one suspects, British-born Peter Lerner has become the face of Israel in this latest conflict, an improbable blue-eyed blond who is the antithesis of the usual sabra stereotype.

Grave-faced and solemn when dealing with the endless daily crises of Israel's war in Gaza, and personally immensely charming, Mr Lerner is surprising in other ways. As a lieutenant-colonel, he is the Israel Defence Force's spokesman to the international media and commander of the IDF social media activities, and is certainly among the highest ranking officers to fill this role.

We meet in a slightly shabby suite of offices near the heartland of Israel's defence quarter, the Kirya. The building, only identifiable by its large Israeli flag, is like many Israeli military institutions: seedy, scruffy and run down. The block's shoddy appearence, however, belies the razor-sharp grasp of facts and figures of those who work inside.

The lieutenant-colonel's office, his young staff joke, is very British, with a scrupulously tidy desk and Mr Lerner himself wearing a uniform shirt which is so well ironed and starched that it could easily walk out of the door by itself.
