The background to the latest West Bank flare-up
By Richard Pater
The IDF are conducting their largest operation in 20 years in the West Bank city
By JC Reporter
Monday's operation saw seven people killed
Supporters hear about the healing power of the Beit Halochem community
By Gaby Wine
The incident took place on Sunday morning, the IDF said
By Anshel Pfeffer
Last week's operation in Jenin shows the new foes are often teens adept at operating off the grid
The strike was carried out on Wednesday, the IDF said
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The IDF was targeting terrorists in the West Bank city earlier today
Menachem Ordman survived a horrific shooting in the West Bank on Tuesday
The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon
Gadi Eizenkot said that Jerusalem was asked to act by an unspecified third party
Despite the parlous state of its economy and society, it remains Israel’s most powerful neighbour
20,000 rounds of ammo were reported missing by soldiers
The troops were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital with moderate injuries
Mohamed Salah Ibrahim was a new recruit to the force and had recently absconded from duties
Benjamin Netanyahu has promised a full investigation into the incident