Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe shul is a better idea than the gym
By Sandy Rashty
Dave Danna once weighed over 420lbs but then declared: 'I’m not going to normalise obesity, I’m going to defeat it”
By Dominic Green
Franco-German director Emily Atef’s latest offering seeks to be life-affirming and philosophical about a terminal diagnosis, but often feels bleak
By Linda Marric
Ban imposed over fears of transmission of mad cow disease is finally overturned
By Daniel Ben-David
The new molecular blocker aims to halt breast cancer metastasis
By Tash Mosheim
Suzanne Weiniger tells us how to stick to new year’s resolutions — and insists positive goals and lifestyle tweaks matter more than self-discipline
By Nadine Matyas
Screening programmes are one of the biggest breakthroughs of the past century. Cancer screening programmes are effective in identifying cancer sooner, allowing for earlier treatment and preventing further illness and early deaths from cancer.
By Dr Leonora Weil
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Families seek my support for a range of difficulties, mostly related to breastfeeding. But bottlefed babies can also have difficulties with feeding, especially those with tongue-tie.
By Sharon Silberstein
You’ve been in pain for months. The pain relief options aren’t working, so your GP suggests an MRI. But what is an MRI? And will it help find the cause of the pain?
By Nicola del la Rue
SpacePharma can control and monitor their space experiments with nothing more than a smartphone.
By Jenni Frazer
Nighy delivers what has to be a career-defining turn in this beautifully layered, unfussy and at times, genuinely breathtaking adaptation
Both NHS and private GP services have pros and cons. However, both work through the Care Quality Commission, which holds all medical practices to account with minimum standards of excellence.
As we move towards the New Year, it is time to reflect on good health for ourselves, our families and our communities.
By London Jewish Forum
How do you manage your allergy — or your child’s? If you rely solely on medication to aid any symptoms, you may be missing the opportunity to address key underlying causes, like anxiety or poor gut health.
By Dr Eric Ansell
The year-long probe will examine NHS communications and engagement with the Jewish community, how it communicates key public health messages, as well a possible barriers in communicating them.
By Ben Bloch
Londoner Jake Furman has 'amazing' get-together with American Ed Wolfman, three years after Mr Wolfman's successful surgery
By Georgia L Gilholy