Indiana Jones and the very Jewish adventure
By Nathan Abrams
By Nick Viner
We have a vision for the future that will continue to illuminate and celebrate our history
Patriotism can calm the immigration debate, end the culture wars and unite communities — and Jews have it in abundance, argues the author of a new book
By Stephen Pollard
The butterflies were found during the Ottoman rule of areas now in Israel
By Felix Pope
By Alexander Cohen
Performances just for black people have sparked controversy, but what do we Jews think?
Jo Grose, the organisation’s first female head, said the rabbinical exits were 'not a surprise' and part of a needed 'refresh'
By Simon Rocker
Harriet Thorpe reveals how her new role as EastEnders’ no-nonsense pint-puller takes her back to her Jewish roots
By Elisa Bray
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By Kate Maltby
It's rare to see billionaires depicted without invoking Jewish themes
The story of the young US Air Force translator who received the longest prison sentence ever for the unauthorised release of government information
By Linda Marric
Triumphant revival of Lloyd Webber musical sees Michael Ball return... but in a different role
By John Nathan
Call My Agent's Laure Calamy stars in gritty realist drama with a brave ending
On the happy occasion of my granddaughter's birth, I couldn't have been more grateful to this wonderful charity
By Emma Shevah
The redevelopment of the Manchester Jewish Museum lasted two years
By JC Reporter
Meet the founder of HerSpace - a day of arts, talks, culture and retail therapy for Jewish women
By Gaby Wine
Ari Aster's alt-reality, distopian film is a wonderful take on Oedipal misery and the horror of drug abuse
The Coen brothers’ masterpiece was released 25 years ago — and its leading man is unique among Jewish characters on film