A gripping chronicle of Soviet life in wartime and an indispensable companion piece to the author's other works
By David Herman
Amazon's blockbuster production is as close as television gets to the cinematic but after two episodes, for all the superb special effects, acting, music and costumes, we are left wondering where this journey is taking us
By Josh Howie
Donations poured in after an appeal was launched last month to raise £2,000 to memorialise the last resting place of the man who wrote about the mass slaughter of Jews in Ukraine
By Nic North
Renowned international barrister Philippe Sands returns with the story of how the entire local population of the Chagos archipelago were uprooted by a 1960s lease deal between Britain and the US
By Amanda Hopkinson
A dark and disgusting story of how Germans, Catholics and Americans helped countless Nazis find refuge during the Cold War, including some of the most infamous figures from the Holocaust
Engaging adult debut set in Obama-era America is undeniably informed by the Harvey Weinstein scandal
By Jennifer Lipman
Tilar J Mazzeo’s account of an Italian war story races along at a pace as relentless as that of actual events
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Freida Pinto shines in small budget adaptation of American writer Suzanne Allain’s 2009 self-published novel
By Linda Marric
Leading Israeli novelist who embraced Arab culture and promoted the Palestinian cause
By Gloria Tessler
The story of this remarkable woman reads like a blueprint for many later expulsions and destructions of Jewish communities
By Mark Glanville
In this gripping book, author Kinstler asks: was my grandfather a war criminal?
By Daniel Snowman
Community security groups have called for constant vigilance to guard against further ‘lone wolf’ terror
By Felix Pope
Even the most action-hungry reader will be satisfied by Solomons' entertaining fable
By Angela Kiverstein
English translation of the first novel of a writer whose work elicits profound truths about human nature and its motivations
Father of psychoanalysis comes alive again in this book through the eyes of people who cared deeply that he should survive
By Stephen Frosh
The latest in author's Sephardic Cycle begins begins by portraying the relationship between a Jewish-American artist and his father, a Holocaust survivor from Warsaw