In his daring new biography, Anthony Julius portrays a divided patriarch
By Simon Rocker
Rabbi Gideon Sylvester offers a biblical perspective as hostages are reunited with their loved ones
By Rabbi Gideon Sylvester
‘A time to weep, a time to laugh’ – we can’t forget what happened a year ago but here’s how we can celebrate the festival
By Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum
Events in the Middle East may prompt us to turn inward but Yom Kippur reminds us of our universal mission
By Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence
Rabbi Goldstein says Christian leaders ‘passively stand by as Christians are butchered by Jihadis’
By Jane Prinsley
Hasmonean pupil Noa Swabel reached the finals of the annual contest in Jerusalem
Rabbi Dr Kahn-Harris offers an alternative view of relationships in the Book of Ruth
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Researchers at the Tel Aviv and Hebrew universities reconstructed the geomagnetic fields at 21 sites of destruction in Israel to develop a reliable new scientific tool for archeological dating
By Nic North
From Eden to the Song of Songs, the Bible offers us a way to think about gardens
By Professor Melissa Raphael