'Sickening' suggestion, put forward by union's head Larissa Kennedy at a meeting with the Union of Jewish Students, has sparked calls for her to resign
By Kirsty Buchanan
Anthony Julius, who was also Princess Diana’s divorce lawyer, issued the challenge to Birkbeck professor David Feldman
By JC Reporter
By Nicole Lampert
There is an irony in that Israel is both one of our biggest blessings and our biggest curses
By Sadiq Khan
It's quite wrong to suggest City Hall is ignoring the rise in Jew hate
Poll reveals 92 per cent of those surveyed said antisemitism was a problem
Bongani Masuku said Zionists 'belong to the era of their friend Hitler'
By Jenni Frazer
By Ruth Anderson
Over 3,000 members, all staff and most MPs have been trained in antisemitism awareness
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Government antisemitism advisor Lord John Mann says anti-Israel items are 'appalling'
One parent says planned approach 'negates the seriousness of antisemitism'
By Mathilde Frot
By The JC Leader
We are fortunate that successive governments of all parties have committed large sums to protect our community
'Mizan the Poet' said Israel was 'perpetuating a holocaust' against Palestinians
By Alma Green
Our emotional response to racism is not always the same as our actual response should be, writes Alma Green
The more the British Left indulges antisemitism, the more kosher I feel
By Nick Cohen