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I’ve been left entirely numb to antisemitism

Our emotional response to racism is not always the same as our actual response should be, writes Alma Green

March 19, 2021 11:18
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3 min read

I get that you’re Jewish — but why don’t you understand that anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism?”

My flatmate’s girlfriend was round for dinner (we’re in a complicated two-household bubble) and the David Miller saga came up, just as dessert was plonked on the table.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Yup, in theory one isn’t the other, but they often are. And when it comes to this professor of sociology they definitely are. Miller has accused Jewish students at Bristol University of ‘being used as political pawns’ for the Israeli government and argued that Zionism is behind Islamophobia.”

Amelia didn’t say much more, but I don’t think it was down to the incisiveness of my argument. I think it was because I looked bored. I hadn’t had the emotional response she was expecting.