With this two-pronged strategy, Trump is outflanking the president on Israel
By Ben Clerkin
The Jewish space lasers conspiracy became synonymous with Marjorie Taylor Greene after her post resurfaced following her election to Congress
By Daniel Ben-David
Syre Elementary has been accused of ‘promoting hatred’ and indoctrinating children
By David Swindle
The Houthis fired a barrage at Eilat, the U.S. is considering striking the Iranian proxy in Yemen, and shipping firms leave Red Sea, Suez Canal
By JC Reporter
Claudine Gay has faced calls for her resignation following testimony to a congressional inquiry
Antony Blinken has rejected calls from Arab foreign ministers for an Israel Hamas ceasefire
By Felix Pope
The lecturer at the prestigious American university was accused of 'identity-based targeting'
By Eliana Jordan
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Daniel Lurie is a philanthropist and the son of a rabbi
Last Vegas-based Natan Levy recently fought a far right troll into submission
The projectile was thrown through the window of a Chabad house in Florida
By Hannah Gillott
In the UK, driving any car on Shabbat is not considered halachically sound
Mitnick went on a hacking spree that saw him break into the country’s cell networks, breach government computer systems and steal thousands of credit card numbers
By Richard Percival
Ron Carr is alleged to have embarked on an antisemitic crime spree
Tehran has been given two new roles at the UN, including membership of a disarmament committee
The Florida governor attacked those who reject the Jewish state’s right to exist
A new Gallup poll suggests net sympathy for Palestinians among American Democrats is at an all-time high, while support for Israel among millennials has dropped steeply