The Israeli premier hailed his six-day trip to the US, where he also met Joe Biden and Elon Musk, as a great success
By JC Reporter
MBS gives rare interview with US broadcaster and discusses Israeli-Saudi peace talks
By Eliana Jordan
The inactive Merkava Mark II tank was found and two suspects are in custody
The structure outside city hall will have a capacity of 650 people.
After just ten months service in the IDF, Laurence Newman was thrust into war
By Daniel Ben-David
Lebanese law bans contact between its citizens and Israelis
By Elisa Bray
Foreign minister Eli Cohen has insisted the 'Palestinian issue' will not be an obstacle to peace
By Felix Pope
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The Tell es-Sultan site contains prehistoric ruins dating back to the ninth millennium BCE
Jake Wallis Simons' argument that Israelophobia should be added to the lexicon should be listened to
By Daniel Finkelstein
By David Baddiel
The only sensible response to someone coming up with an idea that challenges a settled, considered position you hold is to rethink it, not to get angry or try and change the subject
The former Israeli government envoy is a fearless defender of the state
By Francine White
Police in London have also boosted patrols for Jewish new year this weekend
By Ian Austin
The briefest of looks at the other countries in the region reveals the woeful double standards
Jonathan Sacerdoti visits a charity which gives hope to thousands
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
State of Halakha — Israel’s History in Jewish Law, Aviad Tabory, Maggid, £22.99
By Rabbi Dr Harris Bor
Director David Barnea vowed to target Iran's highest authorities if 'any harm is done to any Israeli or Jew'
By Orlando Radice