The bank blamed the mis-print on 'human error'
By Richard Percival
'Our conscience did not allow us to leave them there under fire,' Ismail Alkrenawi said in moving video testimony
By Eliana Jordan
The 'Maga communist' has repeatedly been banned from social media after spreading fake news
By Hannah Gillott
The 22-year-old activist said 'we will drink your blood and eat your skull'
By JC Reporter
By Heidi Bachram
Watching the footage David Miller shared of my family's terror and loss filled me with fear and fury
Columbia University administration pledges to pay for 'privacy experts' to safeguard the identities of activists
By Ben Clerkin
The Israeli army confirms 18 soldiers killed in Gaza ground operation
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Open-Doors Initiative set up to aid displaced Israeli families and make use of any empty properties
Attack condemned by Austrian Chancellor and opposition leader
By Liam Hoare
Downing Street said Bristow's comments 'were not consistent with the principles of collective responsibility'
By David Rose
The real estate mogul compared Nazi concentration camps to Israel's treatment of Palestinians in Gaza
Ghazi Hamad refused to answer BBC questions about Hamas murders of Jews
By Dominic Green
The USA was supposed to be different, a replay of European ideas in a new world
By Anshel Pfeffer
Teams are working around the clock to collect every possible piece of information
The Sharabi family were sheltering in their safe room when Hamas gunmen stormed their home on October 7
By Katie Grant
450 volunteers work 24 hours to send volunteers and aid