Joseph Borrell accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war during European Humanitarian Forum in Brussels
By Eliana Jordan
The hosts of the UK’s largest Eurovision screening have announced their decision to scrap the event over the weekend
By Jake Wallis Simons
The country’s roots created a democratic system that does not lead to stable government
By Anshel Pfeffer
Marwan Issa may be Israel’s latest hit but there are plenty of others ready to take his place
The Palestinian Ambassador replied: ‘Don't let them use you’
By Rosa Doherty
By Josh Kaplan
The 40,000-strong Jerusalem Marathon was a collective cry of anguish over the plight of the hostages
Protestors could be heard chanting ‘from the river to the sea’, defying the Prime Minister’s concerns
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Just before October 7, thousands of Israeli sim cards activated in Gaza
Twenty terror suspects arrested by IDF overnight
By JC Reporter
Chruch led the direct call for the state of Israel to be destroyed
By Ben Clerkin
Is the new American UN resolution the start of a dramatic about-turn on Israel?
While the European Broadcasting Union has reaffirmed that Israel will be allowed to participate, a dispute is brewing over the political content of Israel's entry
By Richard Pater
Growing divisions in Israel’s ruling forum do not bode well for dealing with traditional Ramadan flashpoint
I now understand how my grandparents felt fleeing the Nazis, says father whose daughter’s document was returned with ‘Israel’ crossed out
By Jane Prinsley
Support for a political solution to the Gaza war has grown since last month
The Prince of Wales is set to make visits to address antisemitism and conflict in Middle East