Terror spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari released a statement on the Telegram messaging app
By JC Reporter
A new book explores what the rabbis have to say about military ethics
By Simon Rocker
Turkey, Morocco, Egypt – including Sinai – and Jordan are all on the list
The Rio cinema was the subject of numerous complaints after boycotting its annual Eurovision screening over Israel’s involvement
By Eliana Jordan
By Anshel Pfeffer
The prime minister may have manufactured a crisis between Israel and the US
Israeli president says ‘everything begins and ends’ with Hamas Gaza chief
The United States abstained from vote, allowing it to pass
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Families of hostages gathered at the Kotel to pray for the return of their loved ones
By Gaby Wine
Earlier this month, Erdoğan compared Netanyahu and his government to Nazi Germany
Israel’s rabbinate should make conversion easier for Russians and national service should be compulsory for all including the Charedi community
By Rabbi Dr Jeffrey Cohen
No one was injured in the attack which took place this morning
The study looked at six factors affecting quality of life including income, health and freedom
Motion tabled by New Democratic Party passed with support of Trudeau’s Liberals
By Rosa Doherty
As international opinion shifts from Gaza, the appetite for paying the tab might go with it
Cabinet approves plan for memorial two days after Simchat Torah every year
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee also claimed the ‘Democrat Party hates Israel’