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Marzipan stuffed dates, dried apricots, prunes, and walnuts

Simple, festive treats for Tu Bishvat

February 11, 2025 08:15
Fabienne marzipan fruits l.jpg
Photo: Inbal Bar-Oz

Cook: No cooking required

Serves: Makes approx 75 pieces

Fabienne used to make these colourful treats with her mother and many of us may also remember making marzipan fruits as children. Marzipan is surprisingly simple to make and turning it into a platter of these jewel-like fruit and nut-filled treats would add a delicious note to your Tu Bishvat celebration.



250g ground almonds
250g icing sugar
2 egg whites
Zest of 2 oranges
Food colouring (optional but I used pink and green)
100g Medjool dates stoned and cut in half
100g prunes
100g soft, ready to eat dried apricots
100g walnuts