
Crunchy honey nut cigars with rose-scented syrup

These parev pastry parcels are perfect with mint tea or a coffee.

September 3, 2020 20:36
IMG_0418high res sweet cigars with nuts and honey l.jpg
1 min read

Serves: 20

They are also delicious with a side of clotted cream or crème fraîche for tea. Use any nuts you like, in whatever ratios, and get the kids to help out rolling them up!


  • In a food processor, blitz the nuts by pulsing until coarsely chopped. Add honey, maple syrup and spices, and pulse again until just combined.
  • In a small pan, place syrup ingredients, adding one of the spices/rose water if you like. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the flour with a bit of water, until it has a glue-like consistency.
  • To roll out cigars, cut each circular sheet of brick pastry in half to make semi-circles. Keep the ones you’re not working with under a damp tea towel.
  • Place a semi-circle in front of you with the flat edge towards you. Brush the flour paste along the entire circular edge.
  • Place a strip of nut mixture on the straight edge, leaving 2cm empty either side. Then fold in the outer circular edges (about a quarter on each side) to make a long rectangle. Then roll that into a cigar shape starting with the flat edge that is facing you, Set that aside covered with a damp tea towel.
  • Repeat with the remaining pastry and nuts.
  • Pour 3-6cm oil into a large frying pan, and heat medium hot — test by dipping the end of a wooden spoon into it – the oil should bubble around it gently. If the bubbles are fierce, it is too hot. If there are few bubbles, it is not hot enough.
  • Carefully place each cigar into the frying pan — a few at a time — and cook until golden brown (2-3 minutes) rotating for an even colour. Remove and place on kitchen towel.
  • Dip in syrup, and pile on a serving plate. You can finish it off with rose petals or crushed pistachios.

Find more about Shiri's bakery here


450g mixed nuts (mixture of hazelnuts, blanched almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans)

120ml honey

60ml maple syrup

½ tsp cinnamon
Pinch of ground or freshly grated nutmeg
For the syrup:
80ml honey
4 tbsp water
½ tsp cinnamon
Optional: star anise, cardamom pod/pinch of ground cardamom, or a few drops of rose water
To assemble:
65g flour
1 pack x 30cm Feuille de Brick pastry (available in kosher shops)
For frying:
3-6cm vegetable oil