This cold lemon schnitzel is an ideal dish for a Succot meal or a summery Shabbat lunch. It is easy and delicious and can be made with chicken or veal. You can also use vegetable or chicken stock instead of water if you like strong flavours. It was kindly given to me by Jose Romano Levi from Ferrara, home of a fascinating and long-standing Jewish community.
Beat the eggs in a wide shallow bowl with a little salt and pepper.
Pour the breadcrumbs in a separate wide, shallow bowl.
Warm the oil in a non-stick frying pan.
Cut each chicken breast horizontally into 3 thinner fillets. Coat each fillet in the flour, then in the egg mixture and finally, the breadcrumbs.
Shallow fry the chicken, uncovered on a low-medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. Pat the cooked schnitzels on a paper towel to blot off the extra oil.
Place them in a wide saucepan or frying pan and add the lemon juice and enough water to just cover them. Cover almost completely with a lid. Bring to the boil and gently simmer for 40-45 minutes, gently turning the fillets only once while cooking, otherwise they break.
Leave to cool completely. The lemon sauce will become jelly-like. Serve at room temperature.
2-3 eggs
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
100g plain white flour, approx
100g plain breadcrumbs, approx
200ml mild olive/sunflower oil approx
6 chicken breast fillets
Juice of 2-3 lemons
500ml water approx