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The funny video that made me feel uneasy: Natalie Portman, the Presidents Club, a room full of Chasidim, and #MeToo

The JC's Keren David saw two videos online this week: one funny, one profoundly moving. Here's how they connect...

January 23, 2018 16:27
2 min read

A room full of rich men, entertained by young women attired in short skirts and high heels. Another room full of men dressed as Chasids,  bushy-bearded and fur-hatted. There’s more to link the two than you might imagine.

The first group were at the now infamous Presidents Club dinner. Many were Jewish, including one of the organisers, David Meller. Perhaps some of the young women who waited on them were Jewish, too. 

The second group of men are in the Jewish Learning Exchange’s recent “stunt promo” video. They’re waiting for a lecture to begin, only two seats are empty. Several couples come in. Each in turn see the Chasids and freeze. They dither at the door. They walk in and walk out. Their discomfort is obvious.

Eventually, one couple sit on the chairs. And, to their surprise, the Chasids break into applause and happy smiles. And then the same thing happens with other couples as the two chairs are vacated.