
Latest Palestinian knife attacks leave Israelis injured but alive

October 28, 2015 16:32
(Photo: Twitter / Magen David Adom)

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

Two stabbing attacks by Palestinians on Israelis on Wednesday have left one civilian moderately injured.

An attempted assault on an Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) soldier in Hebron on Wednesday was foiled by troops, who shot the attacker dead. The target of the stabbing was unharmed.

Around an hour later, a woman standing outside a supermarket in Gush Etzion, in the West Bank, was stabbed in the upper body, which left her “moderately injured,” according to the IDF.

The Palestinian attacker was detained at the site, while the surrounding area was closed off.

Another attack in Hebron on Sunday was prevented when a female terrorist, who approached the Tzalbanit checkpoint near the Tomb of the Patriarchs wielding a knife and yelling at Israeli soldiers, was shot and killed.

Also on Sunday, a stabbing in the West Bank left a middle-aged man injured after he got out of his car when it was pelted with stones near the Metzad settlement.