
JC wins international award for Six-Day War anniversary pull-out

John Belknap, the JC’s creative director, said: “We’re thrilled to see good teamwork recognised, and proud of the JC holding its own against Fleet Street and European competitors.”

December 6, 2017 13:04
design award winners use this.jpg
1 min read

The JC has won a top international award for its special supplement on the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War.

The European Newspaper Awards announced on Wednesday that the supplement, published in June, had won in its magazine design category.  

The JC’s autumn fashion magazine, Edge, also won a design award in the special occasion supplement section.

The newspaper was one of only four UK winners.

John Belknap, the JC’s creative director, said: “We’re thrilled to see good teamwork recognised, and proud of the JC holding its own against Fleet Street and European competitors.”

The 50th Anniversary of the Six Day War edition was designed by Mr Belknap and edited by the JC's former foreign editor Orlando Radice. Edge was designed by Jeffrey Shiu and edited by Angela Kiverstein.  

Hundreds of publications across the continent applied for awards in 19 categories, and winners were picked by a jury of 16 journalists, from Greece, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland, Norway and Germany.

The official awards ceremony will take place during the European Newspaper Congress in Vienna between May 13 and 15 next year.