Eye On Eyal: Farewell to Love Island's Jewish contestant

The 'Buddha of Bushey' has been voted off the show

June 28, 2018 10:06
Eyal and Megan on Love Island

ByRosa Doherty, Rosa Doherty

2 min read

This week Eyal learned the lesson Jewish mothers have been trying to teach their sons for hundreds of years — you are not picking nice enough girls.

I imagine it was what his own mum was screaming at the television before his fate was sealed on Wednesday evening when he was selected as one of two Love Island contestants to be eliminated.

Earlier in the week, Eyal confessed he had made a mistake by picking girls who were wrong for him, but it was too late — his quest to find love came to a dramatic end.

He and Megan were in the bottom two couples along with Zara and Adam after the public vote and his fellow Islanders had to pick who to send home.

Sadly, choosing mean girl Meg is the reason our spiritual hippy is now back in the comforting arms of his family — who will no doubt be explaining why a nice Jewish girl is probably a better option in the future.

Why the girls decided to boot Eyal rather than the narcissistic manipulator Adam we may never know, but we can only imagine it is for the safety of women — one less creep on the streets.

Despite a bumpy ride, Eyal left the Spanish villa after four weeks with his dignity intact, which is more than can be said for Megan, who managed to escape eviction.

We also have no idea (actually we have two) why the boys decided to keep her after she showed her true colours after dumping Eyal.

No sooner had Eyal and Megan become the first couple this year to have sex on the show (oy vey) did the blonde model decide they were not compatible.

Eyal was visibly wounded when Megan said he wasn’t any fun.

“You’re not exactly Jim Carrey,” she told him before going on to kiss his friend, Wes, in full view of all the contestants, including Wes’s partner Laura, outing herself as the new island villain.

I think it is safe to say she won’t be getting invited to Friday night dinner after the series.

In the end Eyal did himself proud when the moment came for him to share a bed with Megan despite her having earlier dumped him.

When Megan got up to sleep on the sofa, Eyal proved to be the gentleman his family said he was all along and told her to swap places with him. She took little convincing and slithered back to the comfy bed. I’d have given her the floor.

Eyal went into the villa hoping to find a meaningful relationship with someone who was on his spiritual level.

For some reason it never occurred to him that might be hard to find on a reality television series in which people wear minimal clothing, stare at themselves in the mirror, and sleep in the same bed before knowing each other’s last names.