
'We're proud of Eyal Booker', say Love Island star's family amid backlash that led to threats

The 22-year-old was branded 'desperate' for how he kissed a fellow contestant

June 14, 2018 16:01
Eyal Booker and Megan
1 min read

The family of Jewish Love Island contestant Eyal Booker have said they are proud of him despite, a backlash after his controversial kiss with a fellow contestant.

The 22-year-old was branded “desperate” by a fellow male contestant on the hit reality show for how he kissed contestant Megan Barton Hanson, moments before the "recoupling" segment in which she had a chance to save Mr Booker from being eliminated.

But his brother Tal Booker defended his behaviour. “I don’t think he has done anything wrong,” he told the JC.

“I’m very proud of him and how he has handled himself from the start. He has been true to himself and as respectful as he can be to everyone in there.”

Tal Booker said he was happy his brother was no longer coupled up with Hayley, one of the other contestants.

“Anyone is better than Hayley and I think Megan is more his type. She is quirky, down to earth and appears to have a bit more substance.

“Hopefully they make a great match and in time the tide will turn in terms of the backlash he has been getting.”

His older brother Ariel Booker said the hate directed towards his sibling had even stretched to death threats.

Speaking to Heart FM, Ariel Booker said the backlash the family has faced since Tuesday’s episode has been “absurd”.

“People have said very nasty things; it's crazy that people can make such disgusting comments.

“I understand it all comes with reality TV but I think sending someone death threats for kissing a girl in front of someone else is ridiculous.

“It was a huge shock for me because it's entertainment, so to threaten our family over it is very absurd.”

Tal Booker told the JC it was difficult to watch the show and not be able to give his brother advice.

“It is not like I would tell him to do anything differently but I would like to just say keep going.

“All he needs to do is weather the storm. It is Love Island at the end of the day and he knows what he has to do.”