
Meet the teams: Chigwell & Hainault

April 11, 2012 14:49
Chig 1
1 min read

Chigwell & Hainault Synagogue CC will look to build on the successes of last season when they won six out of nine completed matches.

Myers will be working closely with vice-captain Matt Murray and the message is clear. “We want to play competitive, fair and friendly cricket in every game we play,” said Murray.

"We also have some young players who we hope will continue to improve. The Ronnie Shapiro Cup game against Southgate will be pivotal as we know they will be out to avenge our one-wicket victory from last year."

Murray has pinpointed Alex Katseph “for his fiery opening bowling spells” and 2011 player of the year Paul Salador “for his all-round brilliance” as the ones to watch. Also look out for Joshua Rose, the club’s most improved player last season, along with Alex Katseph, who won the players' player accolade.

Asked about new signings, Murray commented: "Getting some of the lads away from their wives for more than one Sunday per summer will make us feel like we have some new signings."

Chigwell have entered the Maccabi Cup and they will play old foes Southgate in the Ronnie Shapiro Cup, as well as several friendlies against teams from Essex and east London.

Nets at Bancroft's School have been well attended, with the season starting with an inter-club friendly on April 29.

Chigwell & Hainault Snapshot:

Competitions entered: Maccabi Cup, Ronnie Shapiro Cup (vs Southgate)

Captain: Danny Myers, Vice-captain: Matt Murray

Ones to watch: Alex Katseph, Paul Salador

New signings: Getting some of the lads away from their wives for more than one Sunday per summer will make us feel like we have some new signings

Anyone interested in joining the club should email:

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