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Why Tomer Amedi is looking for that extra ooomph

Meet the former Palomar head chef now behind hip Kensington hang-out, Pascor

November 3, 2022 20:30
Pascor Tomer Amedi Credit
4 min read

Until he trained as a chef, Tomer Amedi dreamed of being a famous musician or a Lego engineer.

“I still buy a Lego Technic set every year. It’s important to stay in touch with what you liked as a child — there’s a reason you loved it,” he remarks, talking to me from La Fonda Hotel in Marbella, where he is helping set up the hotel’s new restaurant.

He still plays rock guitar — sharing joyful Instagram posts of himself at the end of a shift, still decked in chef’s whites, flinging his long hair to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody while strumming his guitar. As well as guitar, he’s a drummer, having originally intended to make music his career: “It’s still a big part of my life. I was planning on going to MI [the Musicians’ Institute] in California to study music.”

However, in 2005, with a year to fill after finishing in the Israeli army and before heading to the US, a friend suggested he take a culinary course paid for by the IDF. “It sounded like a cool thing — cooking is a life skill which I’d need if I was going to live on my own. I fell in love with it.”

No surprise perhaps, when he tells me both his mother Sima, from Morocco and father Yoav, who is Kurdish, were good cooks. “My father was a chef at one of the oldest restaurants in Jerusalem — Rachmo.” Amedi cooked at home with his parents from a young age.

Two months into his culinary career he was already working in a professional kitchen while he studied. He’s modest about his rapid rise in the world of restaurants. “Luckily I was in the right place at the right time most of the time and worked in amazing restaurants — from [top Tel Aviv restaurant] Shila to Mul Yam [another leading light, later destroyed by fire] then Machneyuda [in Jerusalem], which was an amazing experience.”

He moved across the street to take the helm at the Yudale (“The naughty little sister of Machneyuda”) before being dispatched by Machneyuda’s founding fathers to London as head chef at their first foreign outpost — and one of the capital’s earliest high-end Israeli restaurants — The Palomar.

His success in London, he says, was largely down to his naivety. “I was lucky I was so clueless.” He’s probably the the only chef to try and hug and kiss the food critic AA Gill or to high-five with Jay Rayner. “My cluelessness made me adorable, but I was authentic about how I felt about hospitality and how people should feel when they go out to eat.”

What’s important for diners, he says, is the whole experience, “how I want people to feel when they eat in my places”. He believes his inexperience made it easy for him to defy the then status quo about how a restaurant should feel.

In his view, it’s not just food that makes a successful restaurant — “It needs to have a bit of an extra oomph!” After four years heading the kitchen at The Palomar, Amedi returned to Israel. His plan was to start a restaurant consultancy — pulling together all the strands of what he believed the restaurant experience should be.

Being outside the kitchen, he says, gives him a better perspective. “It allows me to put my ego on the side. When I was a head chef, it was all about proving to everyone I was amazing and talented and all of that. But now I get the chance to take a step back and look at the best experience I can create for everyone — for my cooks, the waiters, the guests, the venue itself and the location it’s in.

“I’m there to make sure it’s going to work. To make sure it’s going to work every day, period, whether I’m there or not.”