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Who needs shechita anyway?

December 20, 2012 11:37
Roast chicken for schechita article

ByVictoria Prever, Victoria Prever

3 min read

Ashkenazi food is founded on chopped liver, chicken soup and cholent. But with shechita under attack again, could that be about to change? The traditional form of kosher slaughter is already banned in Sweden and Denmark and is under threat in the Netherlands. Poland has now jumped on the bandwagon.

Could future Shabbats see your kneidlach floating in vegetable soup and the tsimmes nestling up to a hearty slice of nut roast?

Opponents argue shechita is cruel. Animals are not stunned; instead, a single cut is administered which swiftly renders the animal insensible to pain, while also killing and draining it of blood.

Rabbi Hillel Simon, chief rabbinical inspector of London’s Beth Din, argues that shechita is at least as humane as slaughter after electrocuted stunning.