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The Fresser

Waterside in

Park-time pick-me-up that's worth a pit stop [INVITATION]

November 22, 2022 14:24
coffee at waterside cafe
2 min read

It’s taking time to get used to activity levels post-pandemic — busy commuter trains; in-person meetings and the need to replace trackies with proper clothes. I packed in a day of eating and meeting last week.

In between rushing around I made a pit stop at the Waterside Café in Regents Park. I’d been invited to lunch here — the chance for some mindful ‘me-time’ and to (literally) smell the roses — or at least other flora in one of London’s most beautiful parks.

Sitting in the Outer Circle, close to the gold-domed mosque and the boating lakes, the café is cute and compact. Only a few tables inside and a larger number al fresco. On sunny – or even dry —days it’s a peaceful place to sit.