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The Fresser

Favourite February flavours

Here's a taste of some of what has made this month delicious

February 27, 2023 13:14
IMG 0574 Large
1 min read

So much deliciousness at the moment. Here are a few of my favourite listens, eats and experiences:

I’ve been planning what to cook from - Silvia Nacamulli’s Jewish Flavours of Italy.

This cookbook from one of the JC’s long term recipe writers is a gem. Not only are Silvia’s recipes super tasty and real food that she and her family eats (and has eaten for many years) but her stories of the history of her parents are engaging and a really good read. It’s also an education in Italian Jewry. Did you know Italian Jews are neither Sephardim nor Ashkenazim, but in an ‘-kim’ all of their own — Italkim, the Italian Jews who arrived in Rome long before the Ashkenazi and Sephardi divisions were created.

If you missed her book launch at JW3 you missed a treat — plenty of stories and a tonne of tasters. Don’t miss out on her delicious recipes.