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Raise a glass to support Israel

Here's a simple way to help the country at war

October 30, 2023 13:22
Negev vinyd
4 min read

However long this war continues, Israel is going to need our support for a long time. With barely time to recover from Covid closures, the conflict brings more economic catastrophe.

“It’s feeling pretty bleak at the moment,” admits Alex Haruni, the British-born owner of Dalton Winery, whom I last met on a tour of his vineyards pre-pandemic. “These are the worst days I have ever experienced in the 30 years that I have lived in Israel.”

Israeli wine writer Adam Montefiore spells out the ways in which the country’s wine industry has been affected. “Visitor centres are not operating and there are no tourists anyway. The white grape harvest was finished, but the war has interrupted the completion of the red wine harvest. Many agricultural workers have been called up. But, by hook or by crook, the wineries will get the harvest in. Nature does not wait for war.”

Montefiore explains that the main region under attack, the western Negev desert and southern coastal plain, was “the same Negev desert wowing the world with how Israelis made the desert bloom with vineyards”.