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McCain’s hash browns among foods approved for Pesach 2024 by Sephardi Kashrut Authority

The SKA’s list includes both certified and approved foods to enable more families to celebrate Pesach

March 27, 2024 15:03
1 min read

The Sephardi Kashrut Authority (SKA) has this week released its Pesach Guide for 5784/2024. In keeping with last year’s list, it is divided into those classed as certified or approved. New on the approved list for this year are McCain’s Hash Browns which join other McCain’s formed potato products, Minions; Unicorns and Smiles as approved — if bearing a regular SKA hescher.

The list of products approved for Pesach (as opposed to actually SKA-certified) also covers everyday staples including tea, coffee, sugar, butter, milk, tinned fish, fresh fruits and nuts for which shoppers can buy any generic brand.

Rabbi David Neifeld, Director of Operations at the SKA told the JC that the approved list (which was launched during the pandemic) is intended to assist those who might otherwise might not be able to keep Pesach for reasons of budget and/or location.

“We advise that it is always better to buy products that are certified as kosher for Passover. However, for some people, this is not possible for reasons ranging from the cost of living to location. Our expertise in the field of food certification has meant that we are confident that the processes used to manufacture these items are halachically compliant. Where required, we have issued guidance on which processing aids and additives should be avoided.”