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Masala mamas - cooking up an education for Mumbai slum children

When Jacob Sztokman saw children at work cleaning sewers , he was horrified. He vowed to do something to make a difference.

May 3, 2018 07:51
women cooking extra (1)

ByVictoria Prever, Victoria Prever

3 min read

When Jacob Sztokman was in Mumbai for his work as a marketing executive, he was taken to the Kalwa slum. There he heard that children, as young as five, were working instead of attending school. They needed the 60 rupees (15 pence) to pay for their food that day.

Most people would have felt terrible, and then done nothing. But not Sztokman. Years later, now retired, he is still working to help the children of Kalwa. A new cookbook, Masala Mamas, is just the latest step in his work.

His wife, Elana Sztokman, once a leading advocate for Orthodox jewish feminism in the US, now training as a Reform rabbi, was in London recently to promote the book. She told me how Jacob spent months after his trip to Malwa researching and thinking.

“It took him six months to even share with me what he’d seen!” His guide had explained that the slum children had a choice to learn or to eat. His research led him to a simple solution: if the children could eat a hot meal at school, they would come and learn.