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Israel's top restaurants are rallying to help IDF soldiers

Eyal Shani, Ariel Rosenthal and Uri Buri are all fuelling Israel's heroes

October 12, 2023 20:48
4 min read

An army marches on its stomach, and the IDF is no exception. It didn’t take long for Israel’s chefs and balaboostas to get into the kitchen to feed their heroes.

My social media feed has been full of images and videos of food boxes and bags being packed. One of the first was from Sally-Ann Thwaites’s home kitchen where she had been baking with volunteers.

Thwaites told me that when the wail of sirens and warnings interrupted their Simchat Torah celebrations, she knew something was very wrong.

“At 9am my husband came home from synagogue to check I was ok. He went back and shul was over by 10am — by which time we’d heard the news. Everyone had been told not to celebrate Simchat Torah. There were no children in the shuls and the streets were empty. Everyone had been advised to stay at home.”

She’d invited 17 guests back for a festive lunch. All but two joined them — “I think we all consoled each other” — and during the afternoon a non-Jewish friend, who’d been helping her in the kitchen, showed her videos of what was going on so, despite it being Shabbat, they knew what had happened.

“By the evening we were all in shock. I woke the next morning, not having slept well and knew I had to do something — I had to keep busy.”

She contacted the Israel office of One Family Together, a charity set up to help victims of terror and one she’d supported when she lived in London. “They suggested I form a voluntary group to make meals for the soldiers and families down south.”
Within an hour she’d commandeered a crowd of helpers to come her kitchen that afternoon.