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Going with the grain

Ruth Nieman discovered new ingredients and flavours in Galilea's home kitchens

November 4, 2021 11:11
Ruth 2
3 min read

Swapping medical scrubs for a chef’s apron was a no brainer for Ruth Nieman (above right) and a career move which led to her writing an award-winning Israeli-inspired cook book.

“I was a nurse for nearly 18 years back in the late 1980s and 1990s. I’d worked my way up from training as a nurse to being a ward sister to NHS management, but I just didn’t want to be a manager in the health service. So I decided to do something different with my life — a complete career change.”

In September 1997, Nieman went to Leith’s School of Food and Wine, where she studied for its Chef’s Diploma. Her aim was to set up a catering company, which she did after graduating in 1998. Truly Scrumptious Catering was initially based at her home, until the business became too large and she moved it to premises in Potters Bar.

Her background (born and bred in north London) brought in plenty of work doing bar and bat mitzvahs and weddings. “People knew me, and although I wasn’t kosher licensed, I knew what they wanted in terms of not mixing milk and meat and all the dietary laws.”