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Chanucah oil for health nuts

The nutritional benefits of coconut oil mean it might make a good choice for your festival baking

December 18, 2014 14:14
18122014 iStock 000035724564XLarge

ByDenise Phillips, Denise Phillips

3 min read

With an obligation to consume doughnuts, latkes and other deep-fried treats, Chanucah won't win prizes for the most healthy festival.

But certain oils, in small quantities, are positive for our health, and coconut oil is fast gaining a reputation for its benefits. The oil - extracted from the white pulp of the fruit - has become the oil of choice for many health conscious foodies.

Some nutritionists recommend it to help preserve a healthy immune system. It is also reported to have the anti-microbial properties that help to kill viruses and fungal infections, such as Candida.

But it must be the right type.