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The Fresser

Less fress

I'm in training and I've got a secret weapon

June 9, 2021 17:18
pear yog breakfast.jpg
3 min read

In just under 19 weeks we will celebrate my son’s bar mitzvah.

We’ll stand proudly next to him as he reads the parashah. Of course, my thoughts have turned to the obligatory photos — the record that we (and he) will have forever of his special day. And how I’ll look in them.

The last time I faced the prospect of a major photo shoot (and being in the spotlight) was for my wedding day. I ran, did some Pilates and ate a bit less. The pounds fell off and I was relatively svelte in my designer white dress.

Fifteen years on and I’m more melt than svelte. My body telling the story of the last few years — my once slender middle has been ‘softened’ into post-baby tummy, topped with a layer of middle-aged spread. I know I’m immensely blessed to have had children, but cushion was not quite the look I was channelling.