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The Fresser

High tea with Mama and Peggy

Some dodgy driving, a royal wedding dress and the freshest sandwiches in town [spon]

September 13, 2021 20:58
2 min read

I pride myself on my excellent driving.

Passed my test first time and barely a knock in years of motoring. So last week’s events were a major blot on my log book.

I’d driven my mother to Hyde Park to celebrate her birthday. A visit to the latest fashion exhibit at Kensington Palace followed by tea at The Lanesborough.

Crossing Hyde Park, we pulled in by the Serpentine to work out the best place to park and walk. When I returned to the road, wondered why I suddenly had cyclists coming at me from every angle. I scowled at them before realising that in a Frank Spencer-style moment, I was sailing along the cycle lane. Ooops.