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The Fresser

Fridge cake frenzy

Why the simplest home bakes are the best

August 12, 2021 22:45
2 min read

I adore a fridge cake, aka tiffin or chocolate biscuit cake.

Just can't resist it — the one at Prêt a Manger has always been my diet downfall. But you really don’t need to buy it when preparing your own is the work of minutes – although you do need to postpone the pleasure of eating it while it takes it time to chill.

You can cobble one together from store cupboard ingredients and, with a bit of thought, can tailor it to your audience. A simple biscuit and raisin-filled version for the younger folk – maybe with some crushed up cornflakes. Choose dark, milk or white chocolate — even orange or mint chocolate. Vary the fillings — Smarties; crushed cereal; any biscuit you fancy; dried fruits and even salted, roasted nuts all work beautifully. Keep it non-dairy and you've got a wonderful parev end to your Shabbat meal which, if it's not all gone, will be just as good for next day's tea.