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Shavuot - the cream of all the festivals

The one time in the year that we all get to eat guilt-free cheesecake

May 21, 2009 11:29
Vanilla and almond cheese cake

ByDenise Phillips, Denise Phillips

3 min read

Shavuot is a festival with several names — Festival of Weeks, Festival of The Giving of the Torah, and for some, the Cheesecake Festival!

All Jewish festivals have symbolic foods and Shavuot is no exception. But why have dairy foods become synonymous with Shavuot?

One popular explanation is that as soon as the Jews accepted the Torah, they became obliged to follow the laws of kashrut. However, these laws were completely new to them and they were nervous about getting them all right. For example, there were new laws on which animals could be eaten, and the way in which they had to be checked for blemishes and illness before and after slaughter.

In addition, all the pots and other cooking utensils had to be koshered before they could be used. So until this was done, and until they were more experienced in applying the laws, they decided that the best option was to stick to dairy foods.