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Lockdown lunch inspiration

Fed up with the daily grind of catering? We're here to help

January 11, 2021 15:56
Fabienne kuku.jpg
2 min read

Eggs are one of the kitchen's work horses. Useful for so many recipes and a great meal on their own. 

Top tips:
Store at room temperature if in a cool room (less than 20°c) or refrigerate. Do not keep them in the fridge door as constant temperature flucuations make them go off more quickly. (Who knew?!) They'll last longest when stored in the back of the fridge. Always try to bring back to room temp before cooking with them - except if poaching when cold helps them keep their shape better.

Getting fresh? If you're unsure if your eggs are fresh put them gently (one at a time) in a bowl of water.  If they sink and lay horizontal, they're fine. As they go age, they will start to tilt up or stand vertically. If your egg floats - bin it! (The older the egg the more porous the shell becomes and the more air it takes in.) 

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