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Indian supper

Max Nye's family food comes from a niche Indian-Iraqi cuisine mash up

October 14, 2021 10:31
4 min read

There’s a whole menu of Jewish food which most of us will not know. It’s pretty niche — evolved by a community of Iraqi Jews based in Calcutta. It was always a small group of émigrés — 5,000 at its peak — which has now dwindled to fewer than 20 members.

“The Jewish community of Calcutta was only ever a quarter of a percent of the city’s population even at its peak,” explains Max Nye, whose mother, Esther was born there.

“Her family came from Iraq. Mum was three quarters Iraqi and a quarter Syrian — and her family had moved from Iraq sometime after the 1870’s. My great-great grandfather, moved the family from Iraq when life became difficult for them. ”

Nye explains that the Iraqi Jewish community in Calcutta was one of three Jewish communities in India. “There was also one in Mumbai and another in Kochin. Each was distinct from the others.”