Forget dieting and restraint, here's why I'll be giving myself a break this Rosh Hashanah
September 19, 2017 10:35New years are all about resolutions. Time to take stock — to draw a line in the sand.
Most years (make that most mornings) I resolve to eat less; exercise; plan our weekly meals; stop impulse food shopping and reduce our food waste. I could go on.
Year after year, I lose the same half stone. Then replace it — with a few bonus surplus pounds. I start running — and tail off a few weeks later. I still throw supper together when I rush in from work or school pick up, rather than following the balanced meal plan I dream of.
Ahead of my weekly shop, instead of the fridge being empty, it is the vegetable equivalent of an elephant’s graveyard. My compost bin (which helps assuage my guilt as I chuck out rotten veg) should be the size of a small dustcart, the amount it consumes and the crumbs I sprinkle in a river for Yom Kippur will be the remains of a too-expensive, artisan sourdough loaf that was one too many for us to consume before it went stale.
Nonetheless, this Rosh Hashana, rather than beat myself up about my foodie failings, I’ve resolved to be nice to myself. I’ll still try to reduce waste and cook healthy meals for my family, but with regard to what’s on my plate, what I’ll be aiming for this coming year is to: