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How to make canapés that won't bite back

Entertaining the canapé way is sociable and definitely less challenging on the host/hostess.

December 22, 2009 15:18
Corn fritters with salmon

ByDenise Phillips, Denise Phillips

3 min read

This is the time of year when many of us feel the need to entertain work colleagues, parents from school, neighbours and, of course, the family. However, you do not necessarily need to come up with an elaborate menu — entertaining the canapé way is sociable and definitely less challenging on the host/ hostess. And you will not need to spend too much time in the kitchen as most of the preparation is done in advance.

A large number of guests can be accommodated without having to bother with sorting vast quantities of plates, tables or even chairs. And there is less to clear up because canapés are easily hand-held and simply eaten with only a small paper napkin.

A little bit of history on the canapé. The word is French, but is originally derived from the Greek, konopeion, meaning a bed or couch with protective mosquito curtains, and it may have been so named as a reference to the fact that, originally, canapés consisted of a bread base draped or covered with food items.

Now, however, the concept of canapés has grown well beyond a form of toasted bread with a filling and refers to any type of miniature hors d’oeuvres, main course or even dessert.