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How good are your kids’ school dinners?

We visited Jewish primary schools to investigate the quality of school meals on offer. The results ranged from outstanding to decidedly average

March 26, 2009 12:30
When caterers, teachers and parents work together, the results can be outstanding for children

ByDenise Phillips, Denise Phillips

3 min read

What are your memories of school food? Mushy peas, mashed potato with cold cuts and the ever-present portion of chips? Post Jamie Oliver’s school-dinner revolution, I went to visit eight Jewish primary schools to review what was on the menu and how well the message about eating healthy was being understood and acted upon.

Quality was uneven with some schools failing to provide what I would regard as either the right attitude or the right food for their pupils.

On the positive side, those schools that have their lunches provided by Cater Plus were just fantastic. The children are happy and are eating well and the food is so good that most teachers eat the same meals. School lunches cost approximately £2 per child, and when you consider the fact that a kosher sandwich alone can cost about the same, these meals are incredible value.

Most schools banned squash and provided only water. There was a universal policy of no nuts and no salt, and ketchup is rarely seen on the tables.