This book is full of nutty detail, says John Nathan
By John Nathan
It is a meandering tale, graphic and shocking at times and meditative at others, which doesn’t so much reach a conclusion as simply end
By Jennifer Lipman
This volume introduces us to the life and work of Irena Veisaite, an academic, theatre critic and long-time chair of the Open Lithuania Fund board
By Sipora Levy
Kaufman’s genius makes me wonder if his book is a giant parody, writes Anne Joseph
By Anne Joseph
They are the heroes of a book that flits between colourful accounts of its protagonists’ world and clinical analyses of the music they played, a reflection of the author’s own double life as performer and academic
By Mark Glanville
The Soul Survivor: Reincarnation – based on the Writings of the Zohar, Leonard Book, Tuchams Publishing House, £16.99
By Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski
Holocaust novel is a fiction too far
By Anne Garvey
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This terrific, gripping book is, first, the story of sons haunted by their fathers and the terrible times they all lived through
By David Herman
Powerfully reclaimed — and imagined — reality
By Jennifer Langer
If there was a prize for Best Book Title of the Year, Adam Sutcliffe’s latest work would surely walk off with it.
By Rabbi Howard Cooper
Death, destruction and, eventually, happiness
By Johnny Belknap
Rescued and mesmerising
By Jan Shure
Finely crafted tale of a magnificent curmudgeon
By Robert Low
An enjoyable journey on the Circle line
By David Conway
This vastly enjoyable read is about the importance of knowing yourself and living with confidence
By Keren David
This is a dark thriller, which picks up pace as it goes along, says David Herman