Hasidism Beyond Modernity - Essays in Habad Thought and History, Naftali Loewenthal, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilisation, £39.50
By Dr Harris Bor
This book continues Jeremy Robson’s remarkable renaissance and shows just how prolific he has become
By Peter Lawson
In this excellent book, Raphael's life and verse become as fresh and relevant as the day they were lived and penned
By Mark Glanville
Rosenfeld is brutally honest about her experiences and the book is often painful to read
By Sipora Levy
Barry Fantoni, a British jack-of-a-lot-of-trades, was there in the 1960's and remembers plenty about the era
By Michael Knipe
Freeman writes beautifully and, although she evokes the historical context, she doesn’t allow it to overload her story
By Jennifer Lipman
A thought-provoking book — collaboration takes many forms, says Colin Shindler
By Colin Shindler
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Jennifer Craig-Norton explodes the myths of the successful outcomes, the easy settling, and the general warm welcome for the Kindertransport children
By Rabbi Julia Neuberger
Though it gets off to a slow start, this thriller picks up the pace for an exciting climax
By Alan Montague
A B Yehoshua's most recent novels are about characters approaching old age. His latest deals with the onset of dementia.
By David Herman
Stephen Pollard reviews Woody Allen's autobiography, Apropos of Nothing
By Stephen Pollard
David Herman lists the Jewish books you probably always meant to get round to
Under My Hat -— How Orthodox Women are Shaping the Future of Judasim, Sally Berkovic, Ktav, £21.95
By Dr Harry Freedman
Novelist wins £4,000 prize for her seventh novel, 'a coming of age for Jews in Britain'
By Jack Sommers
This is a book to read carefully, a satire on wealth that never descends to the comic level, writes Anne Garvey
By Anne Garvey
This book offers an in-depth account of the Mossad’s daring rescue operation of Ethiopian Jews, says Ben Weich
By Ben Weich