
Rainbow cheesecake

Spread a little colour for your Shavuot celebrations with this fun, three-tone treat

June 6, 2019 10:12

Cook: 40 minutes

Serves: 12

This cheesecake is a bit more work, but when you cut it open it will be worth it! You can use food colouring, but I prefer natural food colors — you won’t taste the powdered fruit, matcha or turmeric. You will need three 22cm loose based tins.


  • Heat your oven to 160°C and line 3 x 22cm loose based tins with baking parchment.
  • Process or crush the biscuits finely and mix with the melted butter. Add a bit of cold milk if you need to hold it together then press the crumb mixture into a 22cm round tin. Refrigerate for 30 minutes until firm.
  • In 3 different bowls, beat 220g cream cheese and 40g sugar. Add 2 eggs to each bowl plus 1tsp of vanilla essence in each bowl and beat well. Add raspberry powder to one bowl, matcha to the second and the mango and turmeric to the last bowl.
  • Remove the tin from the fridge and spread one color evenly over the biscuit base.
  • Pour the two other coloured batters into the other two lined tins. If you don’t have enough tins, you could refrigerate the mixtures will have to be put on a line baking paper in the same size tins and cooked separately. 

  • Cook all the cheesecake mixtures for 40 minutes.
  • Cool on a wire rack, refrigerate for 30 minutes and then top the base cake with the two other coloured cheesecakes.
  • If the sides look messy, you could pipe the sides with some whipped cream and decorate with raspberries and decorate the top as you wish — I used freeze-dried raspberries, mint and fresh mango.
  • Serve with fresh mango and raspberries



For the base

250g digestive biscuits

125g butter, melted

For the filling

660g full fat cream cheese (softened)

120g caster sugar

6 tsp vanilla essence

6 eggs, (it is important that they are medium size)

2 tsp each of raspberry powder, matcha powder

1 ½ tsp mango powder

½ tsp turmeric powder

For garnish

200g raspberries

One large mango, sliced

Mint leaves

Dried raspberries