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We must reclaim Zionism for the centre ground

In the face of growing polarisation a liberal religious voice is needed more than ever

June 23, 2024 08:08
Ashalim power station GettyImages-1242610053
Beacon of light: solar panel tower at the Ashalim Power Station in the Negev - an example of Israel's high-tech accomplishments (Getty Images)
3 min read

Controversy has raged in the past few weeks at one of the country’s largest synagogues, the New North London. It was sparked by an essay published in an alternative Haggadah by one of the Masorti congregation’s younger rabbis, Lara Haft Yom-Tov, who referred to Israeli politicians as war criminals and as having deliberately instigated famine in Gaza.

This whole fraught episode raises wider questions about what our relationship with Israel should look like and the need to reclaim Zionism, which has become such a dirty word, for the centre ground.

In the current impasse in which the community finds itself, both those on the right and the left leave much to be desired. The left-wing elements of the community often swallow tropes from our own detractors. Equally on the right, there is much that should evoke despair, particularly as a result continued conflation by many religious Zionists of political sovereignty with the arrival of redemption and the sense of entitlement that this entails.

Disturbing too, is the sense of apathy that has set in in much of the diaspora, owing to the policies and anti-progressive sentiments of successive Israeli governments . A JPR survey last year, for example, found that 72 per cent of Jews in the UK were pessimistic about the future of democratic governance in Israel. Youth movements have also voiced their outrage at Israeli politicians, highlighting issues of racism and homophobia.