"An educated person must know the wisdom of higayon for the sake of his Torah study."
By Rabbi Julian Sinclair
In Arabic, dugri means truthfulness to the facts, the opposite of a lie.
Kayemet means exists or remains.
Chosen not only refers to muscle but also to wealth or treasure.
Its literal translation is “what would give”.
Nadiv means both generous and noble.
Chanucah celebrates the success of the Hasmonean Revolt, in Hebrew Mered.
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Today, leshon bnai Adam means "laymen's terms".
Levyatan in Hebrew means “whale” and in biblical Hebrew refers to a great sea-creature.
Today, shivi’im is trifling amount compared to the reigning big numbers of billion and trillion.
The term moshav laitzim comes from Psalms 1:1. “Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in a place of scoffers.”
A midrash (Deuteronomy Rabba 4:2) on the giving of the Torah describes safra vesaifa descending from the heavens.
A tzavua person dyes him or herself to give off a false appearance.
The Talmud speaks of “yayin hamazug bemayim, wine blended with water”.
Hergel means routine or habit and comes from regel, foot or leg.
Kohelet can mean the assembler of an audience who will listen to his sayings.